Success Story

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Anushka Kamdar

Art and every form of art has always been a major part of me. But of course, 12 years old me could only dream of one day landing in her dream college. I have dreamt of getting into CEPT as early as 6th grade but I never really started considering in a serious until the 10th grade, although all these years I was subconsciously always working towards it. I absolutely love to read whether it is a fiction novel of great philosophy or a Success Story of Achievers. I never really cared about retaining the information until one day I realised, whatever you read ALWAYS stays with you. This retained information as helped me come up a very long way! Not to mention having great Mentors along this journey which really does make it a lot easier. Having room for curiosity and passion, can do wonderful things to a person and I can personally vouch for it. All I can Say is, along with working hard academically, I have always kept on indulging in my various interest and combination of two will always be rewarding.

Anushka Kamdar

CEPT – Interior Designing
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1 Learning Leaps

There is nothing greater than when a student finally makes a leap in understanding—when things start to click within a student's mind, and they finally start to demonstrate skills that previously eluded them. This type of growth is one of the most rewarding experiences a teacher can have. As we continue to follow the literacy curriculum, we were continually frustrated with how little progress students were making. It made us question whether the way we were teaching was meeting the needs, so we decided to try a different approach. we began to incorporate more movement and innovative methods into our literacy lessons. Soon, we noticed things were clicking for students in a way they hadn't been before. Soon, students were able to identify not only curriculum, but its importance too. This taught us the importance of being flexible and open to trying new approaches. Seeing students grow so much in my classroom was among the most rewarding experiences we had as a teacher.

2 Changing Mind-Sets

Some students come into our classrooms with a mindset of helplessness. These are the students who are constantly saying, "I can't do that." we had many such students in our class, and the experience taught us how feedback and positive praise can change the way a student sees the world. There was a student in my class during a year of teaching. He'd often refuse to complete activities because he thought they were too hard, but I knew he was capable. After all, he was a bright, funny, and kind student—he just lacked confidence. I made it my mission to change his defeatist mindset over the course of the year. I encouraged him, and praised him for his hard work and effort at every turn. But when he left my classroom at the end of the school year, I was left questioning if I had succeeded in my efforts. He had made amazing academic growth in his own range, but he still lacked confidence. After the Board results were out, Student along with Parent came down to my room with box of sweet to visit me. He said, "Sir, you always told me to do my best, and I just want to say thank you. Because of you, I am looking at becoming a what I always dreamt about". It's moments like these that demonstrate the importance of a positive mindset. As an educator, we try to encourage our students to discover themselves and to pursue their dreams.
Krishna Shah

If you ever feel down, Haruki Murakami wrote that, “But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.” This quote has been stuck in my head for a couple years now. I don’t want to talk about cliche motivational things because no one really relates to it. But trust me when I say this that understanding the content and doing smart work will help you everywhere you go and anything you do. And while you’re in this trajectory, getting helpful aid and guidance from a mentor can affect all your future prospects so greatly which thankfully I found in Killol Sir. Success isn’t always visible initially.

Krishna Shah

CEPT – Urban Designing
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Serving Worldwide Students

You Will Do Excellent in Your Career and We have Big Trust on Your Interest!

Only proper adequate level of continuous supports can make a real difference! As we follow all standard good practices for teaching so you find your own way!

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